Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain inaugurated the ‘Rapid Response Centre for Covid’ at the Rajiv Gandhi Super Speciality Hospital on Wednesday. Jain said that this facility will help in the reduction of waiting time for patients. “Today we inaugurated this facility. This will reduce the waiting time for patients. Anyone can arrive here and get treatment instantly. There are 30 beds here for this facility and all have ventilator facilities. He can also be shifted to ICU or other wards quickly from here,” said the minister.

On requirements for admission, he said that a Covid report is one but there were testing facilities available in absence of a report.

Several experts over the past few weeks warned of a third wave looming, expressing concerns that it may affect the children specifically. The National Institute of Disaster Management (NIDM), under the Ministry of Home Affairs, has warned of a third Covid-19 wave peak in October in its recent report to the Prime Minister’s Office.