Just like a car runs on gas, a person runs on calories, which are units of energy. In fact, your brain alone needs about 420 calories a day to function. The food you eat is broken down by your body into the simplest forms of carbohydrates, protein and fat. The calories in those components are then converted to energy, and used by your cells and tissues to grow and repair themselves.

But is there any way to burn more calories or have a faster metabolism? Yes. It begins with what you eat and how you move. Other factors which contribute to this are genetics and stress. Genetics can be the cause of a naturally increased or decreased metabolism, though lifestyle still has a big impact on the process. Long-term stress also releases hormones which impair digestion. Sleep is also critical as a body which gets less sleep burns fewer calories.

When it comes to food, eat small meals at short intervals. Do not skip breakfast as there is a surge of the hunger boosting hormone, Ghrelin. Hence, if you munch before sleeping, it will disrupt your sleep and slow down metabolism. About what to eat—a combination of fibrous complex carbohydrates and protein is best as this keeps you full. You may ask, can food burn fat? Not really. Do not be misled by “miracle food” theories.

Being well hydrated is also crucial for a healthy weight. Hot water increases metabolism 30 to 40 minutes after drinking it. If you have at least 3-4 cups a day of green tea or black coffee, it will also boost metabolism. However, there are no “negative calorie foods” that I know of.

Cardio exercises for 25 to 30 minutes three times a week can also help. Strength training and building muscle also revs up your metabolism. At least two weight workouts per week are recommended.

The writer is a well-known dietician.