Covid pandemic has raised many psychosocial issues, and the world is grappling the consequences of its effect at various levels. Due to social restrictions, most of the world population has to rely on the Internet and online communication, for work as well as pleasure. While earlier, mobile phone overuse, Internet overuse, and addiction were discussed […]


Covid pandemic has raised many psychosocial issues, and the world is grappling the consequences of its effect at various levels. Due to social restrictions, most of the world population has to rely on the Internet and online communication, for work as well as pleasure. While earlier, mobile phone overuse, Internet overuse, and addiction were discussed in the context of unreasonable and unnecessary use, the pandemic has forced many unwilling people into the quagmire of the virtual world of online communication.

The research in this field has been going on for a few decades now. Studies indicate the following effects:

1. Effect of radiofrequency emission on human tissues: In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation possibly carcinogenic, there “could be some risk” of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones needs to be conducted. With children using mobile phones for several hours in a day, the lifetime exposure to such radiation increases exponentially with potential biological impact on cell physiology.

2. Impact on neural physiology: Scientists have reported adverse effects of using mobiles including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns. Children are more susceptible to such changes as they are vulnerable to emotional and behavioural disturbances due to their immature coping skills.

3. Addiction: Excessive indulgence in mobiles has addictive potential due to its ease of availability and immense stimulation at fingertips. Internet surfing on mobile exposes one to a vast world and with little self-control, most young people are vulnerable to indulge in virtual reality and spend less time in real-world. Behavioural disturbances are noticed such as neglecting routine activities: eating, self-care, social interaction and academics as well as showing withdrawal effects: irritability, aggression, mood instability, anxiety and depression when mobile is taken away. 

4. Impact on social health: Real-world social interactions with family, friends, neighbours, and other members of society is a necessary component of overall health and Covid has highlighted its importance. Excessive use of the internet reduces time and inclination to indulge in real physical interactions. Especially young adults are at risk of developing maladaptive personality.

5. Impact on musculoskeletal system: Sitting and working on mobile for prolonged periods can impact the musculoskeletal system due to bad posture and strain neck, shoulder, and back muscles. Its excessive use has also been linked to pain and swelling in joints of thumb, fingers and wrists leading to various deformities.

6. Eye strain and refractory errors: Continuous watching of small screen results in dry eyes, irritation, watering and strain in eyes which can also culminate into a higher incidence of ophthalmological and refractory errors. The impact of blue light rays entering the retina is a matter of concern and many experts believe that it can result in macular degeneration.

7. Impact on physical activity: Many of us have seen the reduction of physical activity among people due to excessive use of technology and gadgets. Internet gaming has reduced interest in sports and fewer children are seen playing in parks.


Children have an immature biological and functional system which is why they are quite vulnerable to environmental changes. The jury is still out regarding the biological and physiological impact of electromagnetic radiation emissions but the psychosocial impact is apparent.

Due to online education, children are at the receiving end of the yet unknown effect of technology. Several hours of exposure to electronic screen has reduced physical activity which is important for physical growth and mental growth. It also leads to many bad habits like eating too much junk food, and sugar cravings.

The writer is .a senior consultant, psychiatry and psychotherapy.

