Obesity is about willpower, not biology

Obesity is a very complex disorder. Many genetic, biological and environmental factors have a major effect on body weight. It is not about will power.

‘Eat less, move more’ is good advice

Telling people with weight problems to just ‘eat less, move more’ is ineffective advice. It rarely works in the long term. It is like telling someone with depression to cheer up.

Carbs make you fat

Low carb diets are very effective for weight loss. However, carbs are not what causes obesity in the first place. The truth is whole foods that are high in carbs are very healthy.

Fat makes you fat

Fat has often been blamed for the obesity epidemic, but there is nothing inherently fattening about dietary fat. Yet eating a lot of fat along with a high carb, high-calorie junk food-based diet, will definitely make you fat.

Eating breakfast is necessary to lose weight

It is true that breakfast skippers tend to weigh more than breakfast eaters. However, eat when you are hungry, stop when you are full.

Fast food is always fattening

Fast food does not have to be unhealthy or fattening. Most fast-food chains offer some healthier alternatives to their main offerings such as chicken skewers/steak with baked potato or chicken salads with avocado dip.

Weight loss diets actually work

Dieting usually doesn’t work in the long term. Most people gain the weight back. If you manage to increase your activity levels, eat healthier, take professional help and sleep better, then weight loss will be easier.

‘Diet’ food can help you lose weight

A lot of junk food is marketed as healthy. Examples include low-fat food, fat-free foods, processed gluten-free foods and disguised high sugar beverages. A good thumb rule – if the packaging of a food tells you its healthy then probably it’s bad for you.

The writer is a diet doctor at The Westside Clinic, New Delhi.