We all are well aware of the new widely spread disease condition called Covid-19 spread by Sars Cov 2 virus. It affects the whole body and leaves aftereffect for a long duration of time. Post-Covid effects can range from simple weakness to lung fibrosis. Let us understand what all needs to be taken care of once you recover from Covid-19 and what are the danger signs that one should look for. 

1. Multivitamins: Continue the multivitamins, zinc supplements and vitamin C for a minimum of 2 weeks post-recovery also. It helps bring down the elevated CRP, ESR and LDH levels to normal. 

2. Healthy Eating: Have a healthy and high protein diet. Increase protein intake and consume 3-4 litres of liquid daily. Increase fruits consumption as fruits are very good antioxidants, provide immunity and provide protection against many opportunistic infections that might occur when the body is weak. 

3. Low/High Blood Pressure: Many post-Covid patients exhibit an increase or decrease in blood pressure levels. Monitor your blood pressure up to 3-4 weeks and in case of any discomfort consult a doctor. It is also advisable to get an ECG done as many medicines (HCQ, azithromycin etc) taken during Covid infections affects the heart directly. 

4. Weakness and Dehydration: Covid-19 causes extreme dehydration and weakness which may continue in the post-Covid period. Increase liquid consumption including ORS. Apply moisturiser to your skin and inside the nose to keep it moist and dryness may lead to nose bleeds. 

5. Bounce Back Fever: Many people exhibit low-grade fever even after complete recovery or one day of high fever. This effect is being observed in post-Covid patients. This is not an emergency situation but consult your doctor whenever you get a fever and take paracetamol to reduce it. 

6. Breathlessness: Some people may experience the feeling of breathlessness even after many days of recovery despite oxygen saturation level being at 96-99% This is a classic sign of post Covid effect and will reduce slowly. Taking steam 2-3 times a day will help allay this condition. If the problem persists even after 1 month of recovery then consider consulting a pulmonologist. 

7. General Healthcare: Covid-19 itself causes many systemic changes and also the ongoing medications may affect your whole body. Many people are also exposed to radiation due to CT Scan. Thus, it is advisable to get a full-body checkup (Blood test + ECG) done to know the condition of organs and their functioning after recovery. 

8. Continue safe practices: Post-recovery you are again susceptible to the coronavirus again after 2 months. It is advisable to follow all safe practices like wearing a mask, maintaining social distance and use of sanitiser/hand washing.

9. Chances of secondary infection: After Covid body becomes weak and due to low immunity levels, there are increased chances of secondary infection. Diabetics and cardiac patients are at higher risks. Taking all safety measure and keeping your sugar levels in control may reduce the chances of getting infected again. 

10. Mucormycosis: Mucormycosis is an opportunistic infection and affects those with low immunity levels, uncontrolled diabetes, increased susceptibility due to long term (>1 month) use of steroids, unhygienic conditions etc. This type of fungal infections occurs more at hospital setups and by use of ventilator/oxygen pipes for the long term. Not everyone on steroid or at home quarantine can get affected by it. However keep an open eye for signs like – stuffy nose, ulcers in the mouth, redness of eyes with itching, pain in teeth and cheeks with black discharge from nose and in sputum. If you have more than 1 symptom then consult an ENT at once. 

11. Get Vaccinated: Vaccination gives you a great extent of protection against the Covid vaccine. You may get infected post-vaccination also but the severity of the disease will be less. It prevents severe morbidity and mortality. Once you recover from Covid you are eligible for taking the vaccine after 1 month. If you get infected before your 2nd dose then you can take your second dose after 1 month of recovery. 

KEY POINTS: Continue multivitamins and vitamin C; do a complete blood checkup, continue safe practices and get vaccinated.

The writer is a Delhi-based General Physician.