Titled Sridevi – The Life of a Legend, the book draws a complete portrait of the actress, the quintessential star who had an unmatched career in Indian cinema. Westland Books has acquired the publishing rights of the biography of iconic superstar, Sridevi. In her career, spanning over five decades, the renowned actress had worked in over 300 films in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Hindi. She was conferred the Padma Shri, the National Film Award, several Filmfare awards, State Government awards and International Awards. The book is written by debutant author Dhiraj Kumar and will release in 2023, across all online and offline bookstores.
Filmmaker Boney Kapoor said, “Sridevi was a force of nature. She was the happiest when she shared her art on screen with her fans but she was also a fiercely private person. Dhiraj Kumar is someone she considered family. He is a researcher, writer and columnist. We are happy that he is writing a book that befits her extraordinary life.”
Sanghamitra Biswas, Executive Editor, Westland Books, remarked, “What attracted us to this book was the wealth of research behind it. Dhiraj Kumar’s friendship with Sridevi and her family enables him to offer a unique insight into the inner world of the very private star. This book will make readers rediscover an icon.”
“I am delighted that the venerable Westland Books will be publishing my debut book. My literary agent, Anish Chandy made this happen. I am thankful for the permission and support of Boney Kapoor and his family, Latha and Sanjay Ramaswamy, Suryakala, Maheshwari and Karthik, Reena and Sandeep Marwah,” said author Dhiraj Kumar.
“Dhiraj has left no stone unturned to create a 360-degree portrait of one of India’s greatest onscreen performers. I’m very happy that the team at Westland, which has delivered some of India’s greatest biographies, is publishing this book,” said Anish Chandy, The Labyrinth Agency.
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