Nigama RV, an engineer by profession, is an Indian poet. She has authored 7 books (fiction and nonfiction) so far. She comes from a family of artists, writers and musicians. From a young age, she’s been soul-bound to fantasies and developed a love for literature in any genre. She opines books as images of writer’s […]


Nigama RV, an engineer by profession, is an Indian poet. She has authored 7 books (fiction and nonfiction) so far. She comes from a family of artists, writers and musicians. From a young age, she’s been soul-bound to fantasies and developed a love for literature in any genre. She opines books as images of writer’s imaginations and loves a good HEA (happily ever after).
Her latest book, ‘Echo — Beat of the Heart’ successfully resonates with the readers and warms the cockles of the lovers of Muse.
Q. What made you write ?
A. Every action or a word has a meaning and a meaning differently and differently depending definitely upon a perceptual difference (theirs, yours and the truth) and how you perceive is totally another matter, that’s the beauty of writing I perceive.

Q. What are your current projects?
A. I have a couple of completed projects ready to be published.
A poetry collection, “Halo – Colors of Aura” third from my Soliloquy series that focuses entirely on emotions and their feelings, “Destiny Awaits”, a paranormal fiction (Young Adult) and composition of one liners.

Q. Tell us about your books.
A. I love writing; I find salvation in words. Poetry is like a life source for me . I do write prose; fiction that is; and I want to write and try in different genres. So far I have written dark romance, young adult, lgbt, societal, New adult and paranormal. Poetry is for every age group but dark romance is purely for the adult audience.

Q. Book that touched you?
A. Every book in its own way and in your way too as you are involved in, but when I was  school-going , I read “The Rage of Angels” by Sydney Sheldon and was awed by it;  later it was “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho. Recently “Acheron” by Sherrlyn Kenyon, I can read it a million times and never not cry.

Q. One thing essential for your writing process and how do you handle writer’s block?
A. I’m a pantser through and through. I rarely plot a story line. I just scribble what my character wants, believe me I am left with no choice; if I ever try to change anything intentionally, my characters pout for hours, days and months. There is nothing I can do with it, I just surrender. Understood it that  hard way and so now I just follow without a counter thought.

Regarding writer’s block, usually I take time off, read or binge watch certain series. I sincerely try not to think or worry about the block because I feel, if I do, it will just aggravate things.
Q. What comes first, character or the plot?
A. It depends; though I should say story, that may have more choices and many dimensions to twist and turn the plot and kill or create more characters. For the good of the work, I meant.

Q. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
A. Yes, I do. One of my readers said and I quote, “pick this one when your feelings need an anchor” about my book ‘Mist’ and that›s truly the bestest thing anyone ever said.

Q. What advice would you give a beginner?
A. Never give up. No matter how hard it seems or becomes, never ever give up. Don’t heed to anyone but listen to your characters because they only know better. Just do what they say and I promise you won’t regret .
