Bollywood diva Raveena Tandon, on Wednesday, was awarded the fourth highest civilian award, Padma Shri, by President Draupadi Murmu at a gilded ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan. PM Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah were in attendance during the ceremony. Expressing her gratitude, the diva earlier said, “Honoured and grateful. Thank you so much, Government of India, for acknowledging my contributions, my life, my passion and purpose- cinema and the arts, that allowed me to contribute, not only to the film industry, but beyond. I thank all those who watched me from their place above. I owe this to my father.”
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Raveena shared pictures from the Padma Awards ceremony on Instagram. She also shared a special picture, where the diva along with her family could be seen posing alongside filmmaker SS Rajamouli. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “A day of love and celebrations #padmashri #23.”
Take a look at Raveena Tandon’s Instagram post
For the unversed, the actress emerged as an A-lister in Bollywood and received a lot of appreciation for her performance in KGF 2. On the work front, she will be next seen in the romantic-comedy Ghudchadi alongside Sanjay Dutt, Parth Samthan, and Khushali Kumar. Besides this, Raveena has Patna Shukla in her kitty.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.