At a press conference for the upcoming film ‘Kill,’ renowned producer and director Karan Johar finally addressed the media about the recent controversy involving Kangana Ranaut. Responding to questions about the Bollywood actress being slapped by a CISF constable,  Johar stated, “I do not support or condone any form of violence, verbal or physical.”

Kangana Ranaut had previously criticized the Bollywood industry for remaining silent about the incident. In a now-deleted Instagram story, she expressed her disappointment, saying, “Dear film industry, you all are either celebrating or are totally mum on the airport attack on me. Remember if tomorrow you are walking disarmingly on some street of your country or anywhere else in the world and someone attacks you or your children, I will be fighting for your rights of free speech. If someday you wonder why I am where I am, remember you are not me.”

Ranaut, who is also a BJP MP-elect from Himachal Pradesh’s Mandi, claimed that she was slapped by CISF security official Kulwinder Kaur at Chandigarh Airport while she was traveling to Delhi. According to Ranaut, the altercation occurred at the frisking area after a disagreement between her and the officer.

The incident is believed to have been provoked by Ranaut’s controversial statements about women in Punjab during the farmers’ agitation. Despite the tension, Karan Johar emphasized clear stance against violence and the need for peaceful discourse and resolution within the industry.