Celebrity couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli headed to Uttarakhand for a spiritual trip a few weeks ago. Their pictures went viral on social media platforms. Post that, the power couple shared a couple of pictures as they went trekking in Uttarakhand. Now, looks like the cricketer is reminiscing the special moments. He took to his official IG handle and shared an unseen picture that shows him, Anushka Sharma, and Vamika crossing a bridge. In the caption of the post, Virat wrote, “Crossing all bridges of doubt and into love.”
Take a look at Virat Kohli’s Instagram post
In the picture, the actress is seen holding baby Vamika in her arms. On the other hand, Virat is seen with a baby carrier on his shoulder. The picture of the power couple with Vamika is beautiful, and the landscape of Uttarakhand is unmissable. Reacting to his post, one of the fans wrote, “Are you guys are so adorable.” Another commented, “The cutest and Royal ever family.”
Earlier in January, the gorgeous ‘Chakda Xpress’ actress shared a picture of herself meditating by a river in Rishikesh. Anushka was seen sitting cross-legged on a rock with her feet dipped in water.
Take a look at Anushka Sharma’s Instagram post
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