Ranbir Kapoor-Shraddha Kapoor starrer Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar collected a whooping of Rs 122 crore. The film was released on March 8. The happy news was shared by T-Series and Luv Films on Instagram. The post read: “Humein toh bas bina jhooth bole pyaar paana hai, phir usi pyaar ko multiply karna hai. Baaki toh aap audience ho, bina koi shaq ke aapke dil mein basna hai.” For the unversed, the film opened reasonably well on the first day as it collected over Rs 14 crores on day 1.
Take a look
As soon as this happy news surfaced online, fans started sending congratulatory messages in the comment section. One of the fans wrote, “Congrats to rk and shraddha.” Another wrote, “Super duper hit.” A third fan wrote, “Must watch!” One of the fans even stated, “Love this movie.” Ever since the film has been released in the theatres, fans have been loving every bit of it. Ranbir and Shraddha have been winning hearts with their chemistry in the film.
On the work front, Ranbir will next be seen in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s Animal alongside Rashmika Mandanna and Anil Kapoor. On the other hand, Shraddha will next be seen in No Means No.
You can watch Luv Ranjan’s directorial at a theatre near you.
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