The RMS Titanic slipped on April 15, 1912, as under the icy Atlantic, an unthinkable choice was made Isidor and Ida would die together rather than separate. This wealthy and devoted couple, co-owners of Macy’s, held each other close in their last moments, giving up safety out of love.
Witnesses remembered Isidor’s words to dissuade any member of the crew from seeking safety until every woman and child in sight had been rescued. Ida was said to have disembarked when Isidor refused, saying that she would not leave him alone.
The Forgotten Love Story of the ‘Titanic’
While the Titanic is often remembered for Jack and Rose’s fictional romance, the real tale of Isidor and Ida Strauss is among the ship’s most poignant love stories. James Cameron’s film depicts an elderly couple sitting on their bed as freeze-cold water washes into their cabin. But the real story is somewhat different yet equally tragic.
Eyewitnesses, including Ida’s maid and Isidor’s business colleague, remembered the couple among the first offered places on a lifeboat. However, Isidor would not let himself be rescued unless every woman and child ahead of him had been taken off the ship.
Details of the Love Story
An officer tried to convince him to get on, saying, “Sir, it’s time to go,” in light of his status, but he insisted.
Ida did not want to leave her husband of over 40 years and, stepping back onto the deck, proclaimed, “We have lived a wonderful life together, and if you won’t go, neither will I.”
Ida maintained her mink coat was diving gear for the vessel. Her last words to her maid, Ellen Bird, had been unto her, “I will not need this anymore.”
In a great wave, they were swung together off the ship into the sea.