The Diwali festival is a bright celebration filled with lights, new clothes, and a range of delectable treats. When many families enjoy sweets such as shakarpare, son papdi, ladoos, and kaju barfi, managing diabetes or keeping blood sugar in check is a challenge for those who do.

It is important to monitor your blood sugar because too much sugar will result in weight gain, blood sugar spikes, and energy crashes. Therefore, how do you join in the celebrations without upsetting your sugar intake? Well, here are six tips that will help you survive the celebrations.

6 Ways to Manage Sugar Intake

Plan Ahead: Take some time before the festivities to prepare for them by planning your meals and snacks. Prepare low-sugar or sugar-free versions of traditional dishes so you can enjoy the flavors without the excess sugar.

Practice Portion Control : Since sweets are in abundance this holiday season, you’d easily indulge in too many. Practice portion control-you take small servings of your sweets so you can taste the sweetness without overindulging in sugars.

Choose Healthy Options: Opt for whole, unprocessed foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These have a lower glycemic index and the likelihood of spiking your blood sugar is minimal. If you do indulge in desserts, go for natural sweeteners or healthier ingredients such as nuts and yogurt.

Drink to Hydrate: Drinking water hydrates you, so you will stay healthy and help your blood sugar. Water can keep you feeling full for some time, making you avoid indulging in sugary food. Herbal teas and flavored water are great options if you do not like regular water.

Engage in Physical Activity: Regular physical activity will help lower blood sugar and reduce the effects of sugars. Try to get a little exercise during celebrations, even short periods of physical activity can improve insulin sensitivity and help manage blood sugars.

Do not skip meals: Avoid missing meals to conserve calories for holiday feasting. Eat consistently with balanced meals containing proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. This maintains blood sugar levels throughout the day.

Monitoring of blood sugar level both before and after meals is also important, more so during festive times. Sugar intake control at celebrations can be done without second guessing the fun; have fun, but have a healthy attitude!