Akshay Kumar has finally released the teaser for Ram Setu, his fifth film of 2022, which will be released around Diwali on October 25. The actor takes on the role of an archaeologist on a mission to save the Ram Setu. The teaser shows him putting on a special suit that looks like a space suit and diving underwater by himself to see the limestone Ram Setu underwater.
The teaser doesn’t reveal much about the film’s plot, but Akshay does give a hint when he declares that they only have three days to save the Ram Setu. The teaser includes brief glimpses of Nassar as a powerful personality in a black suit, as well as Nushratt Bharuccha, Jacqueline Fernandez, and Satyadev Kancharana. The other three can be seen in action scenes as they race against the clock to complete the mission. The video draws attention to scenic locations, underwater scenes, and Akshay’s new bespectacled appearance.
The film was shot in and around Ooty, Daman and Diu, and Mumbai. Ram Sethu is a chain of limestone shoals located between Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, off the southern coast of Tamil Nadu, and Mannar Island, off the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka. It is a bridge built by Lord Ram’s army to reach Lanka and rescue his wife Sita, according to the Ramayana.
Abhishek Sharma directed Ram Setu, which was co-produced by his company Cape of Good Films, Amazon Prime Video, Abundantia Entertainment, and Lyca Productions. The film has been in the works for a long time. Akshay released its first posters around Diwali in 2020, with the words, “let us endeavour to keep Ram’s ideals alive in the consciousness of Indians.”
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