Tapsee Pannu has announced the release of her next film ‘Blurr’ which is psychological thriller. The film will be released on OTT platform ZEE5 on 9 December. The actress took to her instagram and announced the release date of her next film. The film is directed by Ajay Bahl who is known for his movies such as ‘BA Pass’, Section 375.

Pannu is also the producer of her film under her banner ‘Outsiders Films’. “There’s always more than what meets the eye! #BlurrOnZEE5 premieres 9th December,” she captioned the motion poster of the upcoming film. The movie’s first look projects Tapsee as seemingly scared while the other Tapsee appears in front of her and apparently the former one is started to lose her eyesight.

The story revolves around the character Gayatri played by Tapsee, who is trying to investigate the death of her twin sister while losing her own eyesight. Speaking about the film, Taapsee said in a statement, “Thrillers form an important part of my filmography and Blurr was one such script that kept me on the edge with its screenplay and the situations the protagonist was thrown into throughout the film. That’s why it was an immediate yes when Vishal reached out to me for this project.” 

She also said, “Having shot almost half the film blindfolded I am taking back home a lot of memories and real bruises which truly made me value the clear vision even more. After section 375 I was really looking forward to working with Ajay sir. I hope the OTT audience is ready for some thrills and chills with this one.”