Bollywood star Sunny Deol has announced his next big project, teaming up with director Gopichand Malineni for what he calls “the biggest action film of the country.”
Named #SDGM, the movie promises a thrilling blend of action and intensity, backed by producers from Mythri Movie Makers and People Media Factory. With cinematography by Rishi Punjabi and music by Thaman S, the film aims to deliver a visual and auditory feast.
Sunny Deol revealed the announcement on social media, posting a concept poster of the movie and saying “Make way for the biggest action film of the country – #SDGM. Starring Action Superstar @iamsunnydeol. Directed by @megopichand. Produced by @MythriOfficial & @peoplemediafcy. Mass feast loading. Shoot begins soon.”
Excitingly, Saiyami Kher and Regina Cassandra are confirmed to play pivotal roles, adding to the buzz surrounding the project. The film is set to start shooting on June 22 in Hyderabad, kicking off what fans hope will be a memorable cinematic journey.
In addition to this action-packed venture, Sunny Deol is also preparing for other diverse roles, including a historical drama with Aamir Khan and a sequel to his iconic film ‘Border’. As anticipation builds, Sunny Deol remains a powerhouse in Indian cinema, ready to captivate audiences once again with his on-screen charisma and talent.
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