With their wedding date set for June 23, Bollywood stars Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal have kicked off their pre-wedding celebrations, starting with an upcoming Haldi ceremony. The intimate event will take place at Sonakshi’s newly acquired residence in Bandra, Mumbai, reflecting the couple’s preference for a close-knit affair amidst preparations for a larger reception.

Details of the Haldi Ceremony:

According to Hindustan Times, the Haldi ceremony on June 20 will host fewer than 50 guests, comprising close friends and family. Sonakshi’s decision to host the event at her new home signifies a personal touch, as the couple aims to maintain an intimate atmosphere before concluding their festivities with a grand reception.

Decor and Ambience:

Sonakshi intends to steer away from traditional themes, opting for a minimalist decor scheme that diverges from typical yellow and pink hues associated with Haldi ceremonies. This unique approach reflects her desire for a distinctive celebration that stands out in the realm of Bollywood weddings.

Celebrity Attendees and Industry Buzz:

While the Haldi ceremony promises exclusivity, the main wedding event is anticipated to draw prominent Bollywood figures. Sources suggest Aayush Sharma, Huma Qureshi, Varun Sharma, and even Salman Khan have been invited, highlighting the couple’s extensive connections within the film industry.

Previous Revelations and Social Media Buzz:

Recent updates, including Sonakshi’s bachelorette party photos going viral, have amplified anticipation around the couple’s upcoming nuptials. Confirmations from celebrities like Honey Singh and Poonam Dhillon further solidify the excitement surrounding Sonakshi and Zaheer’s union.

As preparations unfold for Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal’s impending wedding, all eyes remain on the evolving details of their ceremonies and the star-studded guest list expected to grace the occasion. The blend of intimacy and grandeur sets the stage for a memorable event in Bollywood’s wedding calendar.