As the wedding bells chime closer for Bollywood’s beloved couple Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal, the excitement and preparations are in full swing. Recently, the Sinha and Iqbal families came together for a heartwarming pre-wedding get-together, setting the stage for what promises to be a memorable union.

Amidst the buzz of their impending nuptials on June 23, Sonakshi and Zaheer took time out to celebrate with their loved ones. Despite their usual privacy, the couple couldn’t contain their happiness as they posed for a delightful family selfie, captured by fashion designer Marzia Tyeby Bhobe. The candid snapshot showcased a beaming Sonakshi, radiant in the company of her parents, veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha and Poonam Sinha, alongside Zaheer standing proudly beside his father, the esteemed businessman-jeweller Iqbal Ratnasi.

Sonakshi and Zaheer Pre-Wedding Bliss Unveiled

In another endearing moment, Shatrughan Sinha, known for his jovial spirit, shared laughter and camaraderie with Zaheer and close friends, adding to the warmth of the occasion. The photos from the gathering not only reflect the joy of the families coming together but also highlight the deep bonds of affection and support surrounding Sonakshi and Zaheer as they embark on this new chapter of their lives.

Stay tuned as we eagerly await more updates from the wedding of the season, where love, laughter, and Bollywood glamour are sure to be in abundant supply.