Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan made a victorious return to the big screen with Siddharth Anand’s directorial Pathaan. It has increased fans’ anticipation for the actor’s next film titled Jawan. The film also features action sequences like Pathaan. Now, leaked footage from the film sets is going viral all over the internet. A fan account named THE Unknown SRKian shared it on Twitter and wrote, “The Team Jawan is shooting an UNDERWATER SEQUENCE. The sequence is choreographed by Sunil Rodrigues(ROD). Have attached some pics and video from today’s shoot.”
The leaked footage has now been removed due to copyright issues. According to reports, it showed a glimpse of equipment floating in a swimming pool. Neither SRK nor any other actor could be seen in the short clip. One of the users in the comment section wrote that the footage was from recent shoot days, and one of the crew members shared it.
Have a look
Apart from SRK, the film also star Nayanthara and Vijay Sethupathi. If reports are to be believed, Sanya Malhotra and comedian Sunil Grover are also involved in the project. The film is ready to be released in theatres on June 2. SRK was recently seen in Pathaan alongside Deepika Padukone and John Abraham.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.