Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan made a power-packed comeback on the silver screen with Siddharth Anand’s directorial Pathaan. Apart from King Khan, the film also starred Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in pivotal roles. Well, now all eyes are on King Khan’s Kuch Kuch Hota Hai co-star Rani Mukerji. For the unversed, the actress’s film titled Mrs Chatejee vs Norway is about to release. The actor seems to have seen the movie and could not stop praising her favourite co-star and the entire team.
King Khan took to his Twitter handle and praised Mrs Chatejee vs Norway. Along with the poster of the film, King Khan tweeted, “What a tremendous effort by the whole team of Mrs Chatejee vs Norway. My Rani shines in the central role as only a Queen can. Director Ashima, shows a human struggle with such sensitivity. Jim, [Anirban Bhattacharya] [Namit] [ Saumya Mukherjee] [Balaji Gauri] all shine. A must watch.”
Here’s what Shah Rukh Khan tweeted
To note, Mrs Chatejee vs Norway revolves around the story of the struggle of a mother who fights with the government of a foreign country to get her children back. On the work front, King Khan was last seen in Pathaan. He has Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki with Taapsee Pannu. Besides this, he has Atlee’s Jawan opposite Nayanthara in her kitty.
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