Earlier today, bollywood actress Katrina Kaif was spotted getting out of her car. She was seen in her no makeup look wearing black T-Shirt and joggers which she paired with black sneakers amid pregnancy rumors.
In recent weeks, a video went viral on social media where Katina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal were spotted walking on the streets of London. Ever since the video went viral her pregnancy rumors sparked because she was seen wearing oversized coat and the fans were curious to know if Katina was pregnant. It was also reported that the couple will deliver their first child in London. However, Katrina’s representative agency, Raindrop, called the reports surrounding her pregnancy “unconfirmed”. “Request all media houses to immediately stop this unconfirmed reporting and speculation,” Katrina’s agency said in a statement.
On work front, the actress will next be seen in ‘Jee Le Zaraa’ directed by Farhan Akhtar. Alia Bhatt and Priyanka Chopra are also in the lead roles.