The makers of the upcoming historical thriller drama film ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan,’ starring Sara Ali Khan, recently revealed the film’s title track. Amazon Prime Video shared the track on Instagram, captioning it, “journey back to a time when every word was a whisper of courage and every melody, a symbol of hope #AeWatanMereWatanOnPrime, Mar 21.”
The music for the track was composed by Akashdeep Sengupta, sung by Romy, and written by Darab Farooqui. The emotional track reflects on the valiant sacrifices made by those who fought for India’s freedom from the British Raj. ‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’ is a fictional story set during the Quit India Movement of 1942, inspired by real events. It pays tribute to both celebrated and unsung heroes, capturing the bravery, patriotism, sacrifice, and perseverance of India’s youth during the freedom struggle.
Directed by Kannan Iyer and written by Iyer and Darab Farooqui, the film stars Sara Ali Khan, Sachin Khedekar, Abhay Verma, Sparsh Shrivastav, Alexx O’Neil, and Anand Tiwari, with a special guest appearance by Emraan Hashmi. The film’s official trailer, which was recently released, has received positive responses from fans. It introduces us to Usha, a 22-year-old college girl in Bombay (played by Sara Ali Khan), who establishes an underground radio station to support the Quit India Movement. The trailer highlights the courage, sacrifices, and resourcefulness of India’s youth during the fight for freedom.
‘Ae Watan Mere Watan’ will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on March 21.
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