Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently went through a divorce with Naga Chaitanya. Now, in the latest interaction with Zoom Digital’s Speak Easy Segment, the ‘Yashoda’ actress opened up on that low phase and how things were never easy. She shared, “During the toughest times of this condition, I was in a very dark place, and I had some really dark thoughts. I was not going to let these thoughts destroy me. It means I have to start looking one step forward. I am fortunate that many close people stood by me. I still haven’t overcome it, but the number of bad days has reduced a lot.”
For those unaware, Samantha had earlier admitted that she gave her 100% to her marriage, but things did not go as planned. She also spoke about keeping a brave front and carrying on with her work. Currently, she is recuperating from myositis, an autoimmune disease.
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the ‘Yashoda’ actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu will soon be seen in the global spy series Citadel opposite Varun Dhawan. Samantha also has Kushi opposite Vijay Deverakonda in her kitty. Recently, she donned the role of a rakish antagonist in The Family Man Season 2 with Manoj Bajpayee.
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