Kani Kusruti, a Malayalam actress, is making her Hindi film debut in Ali Fazal and Richa Chadha’s first production, “Girls Will Be Girls.”
Recently, the phrase “Girls will be Girls” hit the streets of Uttarakhand. The narrative centres on 16-year-old Mira, whose rebellious coming of age is hijacked by her mother, who never reached adulthood. The setting is a boarding school in a small town in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Debutante Shuchi Talati is helming the project.
Excited about the film, Shuchi said, ” I am overwhelmed by the process naturally and am very excited to make my first film. I feel confident about the script since I received validation due to the numerous grants our project has received. I hope I can live up to expectations. I am working with a fantastic set of actors and a great crew, so I feel grateful.”
Adding to her thoughts, actress and producer Richa said, ” I am grateful for these humble beginnings as I always wanted to get behind good quality indie films.” Shuchi and I have been friends since college, and I am happy to be a part of her journey. I am confident she will make a good feature that has huge international prospects.”
The movie is an Indo-French co-production that Pushing Buttons Studios, Crawling Angel Films, and the French company Dolce Vita Films are working together to produce.
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