The creators of the upcoming movie Ram Setu, starring Akshay Kumar, debuted the teaser on Tuesday. The two-minute clip offered an overview of Akshay’s three-day search and rescue attempt for Ram Setu. In the National Treasure-style action adventure, which also has Nushratt Bharuccha, Jacqueline Fernandez, Nassar, and Satya Dev in significant roles, Akshay plays an archaeologist.
The video opened with a court session when it was revealed that the administration had requested authorization from the Supreme Court to destroy Ram Setu. In the video, Nassar claimed that India is based on the belief in Lord Ram and questioned how anyone could contest this religion. He assigns Akshay to go on an archaeological dig at Ram Setu.
Akshay’s friends Jacqueline Fernandez and Satya Dev accompany him on his journey, and he explains his own interpretation of the Hindi word “itihas” as “it thus occurred.” Later, he comes to understand that he was sent on this assignment to perish. In a brief film, Nushrratt Bharuccha also makes the claim that it is impossible to find Ram Setu. There are millions of Shri Ram temples around the world, but Setu is just one, Akshay is heard saying in the trailer’s narration as he emerges from the water carrying a stone from the bridge.
The epic Ramayana’s reference to the Ram Setu bridge served as an inspiration for the movie. Between Mannar Island, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka, and Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island, off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, there is a group of limestone shoals known as Ram Sethu. According to the Ramayana, Lord Ram and his army constructed the bridge to get to Lanka and rescue his wife Sita, who had been abducted by Lanka’s King Ravana.
Abhishek Sharma is the director of Ram Setu, which he also co-produced with Lyca Productions, Abundantia Entertainment, Amazon Prime Video, and Cape of Good Films. The movie has been in the works for a while; it was filmed near Ooty, Daman & Diu, and Mumbai. On October 25, it is expected to open in theatres.
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