Indian actor and Telegu superstar Ram Charan and wife Upasana Konidela are celebrating their daughter Klin Kaara’s first birthday on June 20. After 11 years of marriage the couple welcomed their first child and became proud parents to baby girl.

On the special occasion of Klin Kaara’s first birthday, Upasana Konidela shared a heartwarming throwback video of their birth and naming ceremony. She captioned the post as, “Happiest first birthday, my darling Klin Kaara Konidela. You complete us. Thank you for bringing so much joy and happiness into our lives. I’ve watched this video a million times. @alwaysramcharan Thank u @josephradhik & team for capturing these memories (sic).” Ram Charan previously shared the video on Upasana’s birthday on July 20, 2023.


Recently, on June 14, the couple also celebated their 12th wedding anniversary.The image showed Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela walking with their daughter Klin Kaara. The caption of post read, “Here’s to 12 years togetherness! Thank you all for your love & wishes. Each one of you have played a special part in making our lives truly wonderful. So much gratitude!”


Kiara Advani and Rakul Preet and other stars have also extended their warm wishes for Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela’s little munchkin Klin Kaara via comment section.