The RRR star Ram Charan had a fun chat with senior journalist Rajdeep Sardesai at the India Today Conclave 2023. Later, the RRR star gave some quick answers to the fun rapid-fire questions. During the conversation, he revealed that he is keen to do a sports film. When the host asked the actor if he would like to play Indian cricketer Virat Kohli on the big screen, he answered positively, “Fantastic. He is an inspiring soul. I think, if given a chance, it will be fantastic, as I look similar also.”
For the unversed, his statement comes at a time when the cricketer was spotted performing the hook step of Naatu Naatu during the first ODI between India and Australia.
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In his chat with senior journalist Rajdeep Sardesai, the RRR star also opened up about his ‘Favourite’ Bollywood superstar, Salman Khan. He also revealed his first meeting with Salman Khan, who is a dear friend of his father, megastar Chiranjeevi. The RRR star also spoke about his Hollywood aspirations, however, he refrained from sharing any details.
Meanwhile, on the work front, the actor will next be seen in the upcoming political thriller which is helmed by S Shankar. The project which has been tentatively titled RC15 is expected to hit the big screens for Makar Sankranthi 2024. Next, he will team up with Buchi Babu Sana. Besides this, he is also making a comeback to Bollywood with Salman Khan starrer Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan.
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