Ram Charan was welcomed by a huge number of fans at the Delhi airport. The actor returned after the RRR song titled Naatu Naatu’s big win at the Oscars 2023. In the video, we can see that the actor greets his fans through the sunroof of his car. His fans and followers surrounded his car and greeted him with loud cheers holding RRR flags and flowers.
Have a look
For the unversed, the actor was in the US to promote RRR, and there were a lot of speculations about his Hollywood debut. He finally confirmed that he is in talks for some Hollywood projects. In Sam Fragoso’s podcast show, the actor said that there can be an announcement about his Hollywood debut in a couple of months.
On the work front, the RRR star has teamed up with SS Shankar for his upcoming film RC 15. Apart from Ram Charan, the film also stars Kiara Advani in the lead role. The film makers are planning to give a major update about the film on the actor’s birthday. The music of the film is composed by S. Thaman with cinematography by Tirru and R Rathnavelu. The story is written by Karthik Subbaraj.
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