At the trailer launch of her American TV series Citadel in Mumbai on Monday, the gorgeous Priyanka opened up on why she couldn’t be vocal about the “politics in Bollywood” earlier. For those unaware, in the viral podcast, the actress had said that she decided to take a break from Bollywood after she was being “pushed into a corner.”
Priyanka shared, “When I was in the podcast, I was asked about the journey of my life. I spoke about how I was young, and I was 10, 15, 22, 30, and 40. I was talking about the truth of my journey. And now, I was confident enough to talk about that phase in my life. Now where I am, I was okay enough to kind of articulate what I felt.” Further, she added, “I had a very tumultuous relationship with what occurred, but I forgave. I moved on a long time ago, and I made my peace with it. That’s why it was easy for me to talk about it in a normal manner in a safe space.”
Check out the video below
On the work front, the actress will next be seen in Citadel. It is ready to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on April 28.
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