Priyanka Chopra always keeps her fans updated. She shares her life as an actor and a mom on social media. Recently, Priyanka got hurt while shooting her new movie, The Bluff.

A Painful Wound

On Wednesday morning, Priyanka posted on Instagram. She showed a picture of her injury. The cut was just below her throat. It looked bloody and painful, but not too deep. Priyanka wrote, “Oh the professional hazards on my jobs.” She added hashtags: #latestacquisition, #thebluff, and #stunts.

What’s The Bluff About?

Priyanka is filming The Bluff, directed by Frank E. Flowers. The movie is set in the 19th-century Caribbean. Priyanka plays a former pirate. She must protect her family from her past mistakes. The film is produced by Russo Brothers’ AGBO Studios and Amazon MGM Studios. It promises to be an exciting adventure.

Stay tuned for more updates from Priyanka and her thrilling new movie.