Bollywood actor Pankaj Tripathi’s brother-in-law, Rajesh Tiwari, known as Munna Tiwari, tragically passed away, and his sister, Sabita Tiwari, was injured in a car accident near Nirsa Chowk on GT Road in Dhanbad on Saturday evening, officials confirmed.

Rajesh and Sabita were traveling from Gopalganj, Bihar, to Chittaranjan in West Bengal when the accident occurred around 4:30 PM at Nirsa Bazar on the Delhi-Kolkata National Highway-2. The couple was en route to West Bengal to witness the shooting of Pankaj Tripathi’s film.

After the accident, they were immediately taken to Shahid Nirmal Mahto Medical College Hospital (SNMMCH) in Dhanbad. Sadly, Rajesh was declared dead upon arrival, while Sabita, who suffered a leg fracture, is currently in stable condition.

The accident reportedly happened when Rajesh, driving the car, swerved to avoid an auto at Nirsa Chowk, leading to the car climbing onto a three-foot-high divider.

Pankaj Tripathi was last seen in Netflix’s ‘Murder Mubarak’ and ‘Main Atal Hoon.’ He is renowned for his roles in series such as ‘Sacred Games,’ ‘Mirzapur,’ and ‘Criminal Justice.’ Additionally, he starred in the 2021 OTT film ‘Kaagaz,’ directed by the late Satish Kaushik and produced by Salman Khan and Nishant Kaushik under Salman Khan Films and The Satish Kaushik Entertainment Production.