Rajkummar Rao’s ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ opened in theatres on Friday, May 31, much to the delight of fans. It collected a respectable Rs 6.85 crore domestically on the first day to emerge as the best opener of his career. The film benefited from the fact that the tickets were priced at Rs 99 on its opening day. The sports drama then collected a decent Rs 4.65 crore on June 1. Mr and Mrs Mahi remained the top choice of moviegoers in metros on its first Sunday, going by early trends. According to Ramesh Bala, a trade tracker, the film is expected to rake in around Rs 5 crore on June 2.

“The word of mouth is good but not extraordinary. The film has found an audience in the Northern markets and of course Mumbai/Maharastra. Its strength is in the metro markets. As far as collections are concerned, it should do around Rs 5 on the third day. These are good figures for a film of this genre,” he told The Daily Guardian.

If this estimate holds,’ Mr and Mahi’ will collect nearly 18 crore during the first weekend.

As expected, ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ faced limited competition from ‘SAVI’ as both films cater to different audiences.

In case you did not know, ‘SAVI’ is a thriller, directed by Abhinay Deo of ‘Delhi Belly’ fame. The film revolves around a housewife who plans a daring jailbreak to rescue her husband. The film features Divya Khossla and Anil Kapoor in the lead. Mukesh Bhatt and Bhushan Kumar have produced the film.

Srikanth, which features Rajkummar in the titular role, also didn’t pose a threat to the Dharma Productions-backed film as it is in its fourth week.

Coming back to ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’, it is a sports drama the centres on an ‘average cricketer’ who tries to redeem himself by helping his wife hone her cricket skills. The film features Janhvi Kapoor as the leading lady and is her second film with the National Award winner after ‘Roohi’. ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ is directed by Sharan Sharma, best known for his work on ‘Gunjan Saxena’.

‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ is currently playing in theatres worldwide.