Amidst the dazzling lights of New York City, the iconic Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomed back the prestigious Met Gala, signaling its grand return to the fashion calendar on the first Monday of May (early Tuesday morning in India). With excitement building, guests and fashion enthusiasts eagerly awaited a night of glamorous spectacle.

Zendaya made a surprising entrance at the Met Gala, stunning attendees with not one but two captivating ensembles. Each outfit was carefully chosen to match the gala’s theme of ‘Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion,’ ensuring Zendaya stood out on the red carpet.
For her second appearance, Zendaya wore a stunning Givenchy couture ensemble from 1996, featuring a billowing black skirt paired with an off-the-shoulder, period-style long-sleeve top, adorned with a bouquet of vibrant roses. This look exuded elegance and sophistication, perfectly in line with the gala’s theme.

However, it was Zendaya’s debut look that truly stole the show – a peacock-inspired gown by Maison Margiela’s John Galliano. The dress, with its kaleidoscope of colors, paid homage to the theme with its resemblance to a peacock’s majestic plumage. Zendaya’s beauty look was equally captivating, with smoky eyes and maroon lipstick adding to her allure.
Before gracing the Met Gala carpet, Zendaya impressed at Anna Wintour’s pre-Met dinner in a white vintage lace gown adorned with delicate butterflies, hinting at the elegance she would bring to the gala.

The Met Gala’s theme, ‘Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion,’ celebrated fashion’s rich history, showcasing timeless creations and iconic designs. With co-chairs including Jennifer Lopez, Chris Hemsworth, and Bad Bunny, the event attracted luminaries from the worlds of fashion, film, and music, promising a night of star-studded glamour.