Isha Ambani, Director of Reliance Industries Limited, turned heads at the Met Gala 2024 held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. For the prestigious event, Isha chose a couture sari gown by Indian designer Rahul Mishra, which included a long floral train. The outfit was styled by Anaita Shroff Adajania, who also shared pictures of Isha’s look on Instagram, revealing that it was inspired by the gala’s “The Garden of Time” dress code.

According to Anaita, Isha’s ensemble “embraces sustainability by incorporating elements from Rahul’s past collections. Delicate samples of flowers, butterflies, and dragonflies were meticulously integrated from the archives into the design, via distinct applique and embroidery techniques, such as Fareesha, Zardozi, Nakshi, and Dabka, as well as French knots. Together, all of these elements carry a powerful narrative about the state of the planet and offer a message of hope and rebirth.” The gown was intricately hand-embroidered at Rahul Mishra’s ateliers in several Indian villages, supporting numerous local craftspeople and weavers.

Isha accessorized her outfit with a “clutch crafted by Swadesh using the ancient Indian art forms of Nakashi and Miniature Painting.” The exquisite Jade clutch bag features an Indian Miniature Painting created by Jaipur artisan Hari Narain Marotia, a traditional art form practiced in India for centuries, featuring India’s national bird, the Mayura. Her jewellery, traditional lotus hand bracelets (Haathpochas), parrot earrings, and flower choker were designed by Viren Bhagat.

Isha’s look received admiration from fashion enthusiasts, with actress Janhvi Kapoor commenting, “Insane insane insane” and a social media user expressing, “Wow….love it.”

This is not Isha’s first appearance at the Met Gala; she made her debut in 2017 wearing designer Prabal Gurung. In 2019 and 2023, she also attended the prestigious event, showcasing her fashion sense and style.