Protesters attempted to block access to Barcelona’s iconic Park Güell, designed by the renowned architect Antoni Gaudí, after it was closed off for a Louis Vuitton fashion show. The demonstrators voiced their opposition to the disruption caused by the high-profile event and accused the organizers of “privatising” public space, chanting slogans like “Barcelona is not for sale.”

The Louis Vuitton fashion show, a significant event on the global fashion calendar, attracted numerous celebrities, including Saoirse Ronan, Jennifer Connelly, and Ana de Armas. However, the star-studded guest list did little to quell the outrage of local residents and activists who felt sidelined by the exclusive takeover of the public park.

Protesters argued that the closure of Park Güell for a private event exemplified the broader issue of commercial interests encroaching on public spaces, which they believe should remain accessible to all. The demonstration highlighted growing tensions in Barcelona, a city grappling with the balance between tourism, commercial use of public spaces, and the rights of its residents.