Now, you have the chance to reside in Janhvi Kapoor’s childhood home in Chennai, if you were charmed by it during her tour a few years ago. According to a report by People, Airbnb has included the mansion—bought by the late actress Sridevi and her mother—in its list of 11 Iconic residences available for rental.

According to the source, Janhvi will let “selected” Airbnb guests into her property in Chennai. Talks on Janhvi’s “favorite beauty hacks” and “tasting fresh, authentic South Indian food” would also be part of the one-night stay.

“This is the most intimate access to the most famous family in Bollywood,” Brian Chesky, CEO and co-founder of Airbnb, stated during the launch of ‘Icons.’

Other notable locations featured on the list include the real-life house from Disney-Pixar’s 2009 film Up in Abiquiu, New Mexico; the X-Men estate situated in Westchester County, New York; Kevin Hart’s exclusive Coramino Live Lounge; a private performance by Doja Cat; Prince’s iconic Purple Rain house in Minneapolis, Minnesota; and the headquarters from the film Inside Out.

After marrying producer Boney Kapoor, Sridevi acquired Janhvi’s Chennai property. It was the late actor’s inaugural home purchase, adorned with international artworks and artifacts. However, the family had to shut it down due to leaks and maintenance issues.

After Sridevi’s passing in 2018, Boney chose to renovate the mansion himself. In 2022, Janhvi provided Vogue India with an exclusive tour of her home, offering a glimpse behind the scenes. The mansion encompasses Boney’s Chennai office, an opulent living space, one of Sridevi’s earliest artworks, a television room, a wall adorned with family photographs, paintings by Janhvi and her younger sister Khushi Kapoor crafted during the lockdown, and a luxurious bathroom.

Janhvi’s upcoming projects include the films ‘Mr. & Mrs. Mahi’ and ‘Ulajh.’ Additionally, she will mark her debut in Telugu cinema with “Devara: Part 1.