Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is now basking in the success of her movie Crew, gave her fans a taste of the past in her most recent social media post. Kareena posted an advertisement for a travel agency on her Instagram account. Kareena returns to her well-known character as Geet from the movie Jab We Met in this advertisement. Imtiaz Ali directed Jab We Met, which also stars Shahid Kapoor in the title character.
The commercial reproduced a moment from the movie where Shahid’s character Aditya and Geet were left stranded in Ratlam after their train was delayed. In the scene, Geet was seen haggling; Kareena reproduced the same action in the advertisement, but Shahid wasn’t there to perform his part; a female did. Tarun Arora, Saumya Tandon, and Pavan Malhotra were among the actors who starred in the 2007 film Jab We Met.
She shared the advertisement and wrote, Kareena captioned it, “The OG traveller is back! Complete the sentence: Geet is such a travel inspiration that…” In response to the prompt, a fan wrote: “Even you can’t recreate what you did in 2007. Jab we met was pure magic.” Another stated, “Omggggg I thought it’s her jab we met movie scene.”
On No Filter Neha Season 6, Kareena talked candidly about the character Geet and said,
“Jab We Met completed 16 years in the cinema. I think Geet will always be special to everyone because you have never really seen a character who is so honest, soo loving, a girl who wants to chase her dreams. She is evergreen for generations and all times and Geet will always be in me.”
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