Filmmaker Karan Johar has taken legal action against the makers of an upcoming film titled ‘Shaadi Ke Director Karan Aur Johar’, set to release on Friday. Johar has moved to the Bombay High Court, claiming that the use of his name in the film’s title is unauthorized and inappropriate. He has filed a plea seeking an urgent stay on the film’s release.

The plea filed by Johar demands a restriction and restraining order on the film’s release, targeting producers IndiaPride Advisory, Sanjay Singh, and writer-director Bablu Singh. The Bombay High Court has agreed to hear the plea on Thursday, June 13.

The basis of Johar’s plea is the alleged violation of his personal rights, privacy, and publicity. The plea highlights that the use of his name in the film’s trailers and posters has caused and continues to cause irreparable damage to his goodwill and reputation. The court documents state, “These trailers and posters have caused and are continuing to cause irreparable loss and damage to the goodwill and reputation of Johar. Further, such a release of the film with the title containing his brand name ‘Karan Johar,’ together or in parts, will cause irreparable loss and damage to the goodwill and reputation which he has gained after investing huge amounts of time, effort, and money.”

On the professional front, Karan Johar’s last directorial venture was ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’. He recently produced ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ and is now preparing for the release of ‘Kill’.