Actress Kajol on Friday afternoon declared that she is taking a hiatus from social media. While the actress erased all of her earlier Instagram posts, her Twitter profile still contains them. In her most recent tweet and Instagram post, Kajol stated, “Facing one of the toughest trials of my life.” She omitted any further specifics. She wrote in the caption, “Taking a break from social media.”
Although the actress hasn’t stated why she deleted all of her postings, several people speculated that it might have been a marketing ploy for her new web series, The Good Wife, a Hindi translation of the American courtroom drama.
There were a tonne of comments on the post saying things like “Sending you so much love” and “Please take care.” Another remark said, “Hope you’re doing fine, take your time.” “Sending you all my love,” a third person continued. Give it some time. We’ll be around.
Another sector of the internet speculated that Kajol might have removed the posts as part of the Good Wife publicity stunt. “Lol, this is just part of her promotion, guys,” read one response. Chill. She is starring in a version of the television series The Good Wife, whose lead character is a lawyer.
Kajol’s most recent film appearance was Salaam Venky, which also starred Vishal Jethwa and Aamir Khan (in a cameo). The film was directed by Revathy and released last year. The actress will be seen next in Netflix’s anthology film Lust Stories 2.
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