Joshua Jackson is set to make his return to network television in an ABC comedy series created by Ryan Murphy. The show, titled “Dr. Odyssey,” is a drama and marks Jackson’s first network series since the conclusion of Fox’s “Fringe” in 2013. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the series is scheduled to debut in the autumn on ABC, making it the first new broadcast show from Murphy’s production company since “9-1-1: Lone Star” premiered on Fox in early 2020.
“Dr. Odyssey” is being produced by Disney’s 20th Television in collaboration with Ryan Murphy Television. Jackson, who rose to fame on “Dawson’s Creek” in the late 1990s, has recently appeared in Paramount+’s “Fatal Attraction” and the first season of Peacock’s anthology “Dr. Death.” He is also set to appear in Sony Pictures’ next Karate Kid film.
Ryan Murphy, Jon Robin Baitz, and Joe Baken are set to executive produce “Dr. Odyssey” alongside Jackson, director Paris Barclay, and several others. Murphy, known for his work on shows like “American Horror Story” and “Feud,” signed a lucrative deal with Netflix in 2018 but has since left the streaming giant. Despite this, he still has several projects from his time at 20th Television airing, including “9-1-1” and the upcoming “American Sports Story.”
Jackson is represented by CAA, Anonymous Content, Imprint, and Hansen Jacobson. The drama “Dr. Odyssey” is set to premiere in the fall of 2024, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
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