On Monday morning, the gorgeous ‘Mili’ actress Janhvi Kapoor was spotted at the famous Tirupati Balaji Temple in Tirumala with her boyfriend, Shikhar Pahariya. The gorgeous actress decked up in a pink and mint lehenga. On the other hand, Shikhar was dressed in a white dhoti and red scarf. They were seen offering prayers and were also accompanied by Janhvi’s darling sister Khushi Kapoor. The pictures and videos of the couple doing darshan are all over social media platforms.
For the unversed, over the weekend, Shikhar was spotted posing with the actress’s father-filmmaker Boney Kapoor at the NMACC launch.
Take a look
The gorgeous ‘Mili’ actress was dating Shikhar long ago, but they had a brief break up. However, last year, the gorgeous duo rekindled their romance and have been inseparable ever since. Shikhar often seen spotted with the actress at parties and family events. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress is gearing up for the release of Nitesh Tiwari’s directorial Bawaal. In the film, she will share the frame with actor Varun Dhawan. She will also mark her Tollywood debut with Jr NTR’s film NTR30. Last month, the actress began shooting for the same.
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