Boney Kapoor’s darling daughter Janhvi Kapoor is one of the most loved actresses in Bollywood. On Thursday morning, the actress took to her official Instagram handle and informed her fans and followers that she has started working on Jr NTR’s NTR 30. She shared a couple of pictures including a picture of the clapboard from her mahurat shot. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “The start of the most special journey #NTR30.”
Take a look at Janhvi Kapoor’s Instagram post
In the pictures, we can see Janhvi in a green saree with a pair of matching jhumkas. Her hair and makeup look absolutely dreamy. Shanaya Kapoor and Sanjay Kapoor dropped red-heart emojis on her post. On the other hand, Maheep Kapoor commented, “Congratulations my love.” Recently, in an interview, Janhvi said that she manifested her role in NTR 30, and she always wanted to work with Jr NTR.
For the unversed, the film marks Jr NTR’s second movie with filmmaker Koratala Siva. They previously worked together in the 2016 action-drama, Janatha Garage. Koratala Siva revealed the backdrop of the film. He said that it will be his best work till date.
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