The Patiala House Court in Delhi has summoned actress Jacqueline Fernandez and ordered her to appear in court in relation to a 200 crore extortion case. Sukesh Chandrasekhar, a conman, is connected to the case. Jacqueline has also been listed as a suspect by the Enforcement Directorate. On September 26, the actor was asked to appear in court.

Reportedly, Jacqueline has been ordered to appear before the Patiala House court next month after the court “took cognizance of the supplemental chargesheet filed in the matter lately.” Sukesh Chandrasekhar is accused of extortion and money laundering in this case. Jacqueline was designated as an accused in the Enforcement Directorate’s case on August 17. After photos of the two appeared online, the actor was said to be dating the conman.

Sukesh was accused by the ED of using money extorted from prominent individuals, including former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh’s wife Aditi Singh, to buy gifts for Jacqueline. The agency has questioned Jacqueline several times in this instance, the most recent time being in June. In addition to the 15 lakh dollars in cash, the ED temporarily attached the actor’s finances under the PMLA in April because it deemed them to be “proceeds of crime.”

The actor argued that her fixed deposits were made with her own money, not Sukesh’s favours, in her response to the court through her legal team. In a statement to the media, the actor stated that the deposits came from his own legal sources of income and that he had no idea that the primary accused, Sukesh, even existed in this world.

Jacqueline’s attorney, Prashant Patil, stated earlier this month that she was a victim in the case and shouldn’t be regarded as an accuser. “You need to comprehend this from a humanitarian standpoint. It hurts and is unfair when someone is charged with a false crime, even when they are innocent. It’s unfair to charge Jacqueline with such false accusations without hearing her side of the story” he said.