Aayush Sharma opened up about facing hurtful comments, including one where he was compared to a dog, during an interview with Siddharth Kannan. The actor, who is married to Salman Khan’s sister Arpita Khan, became emotional as he recalled these remarks. Despite making his Bollywood debut with the film Loveyatri in 2018, people suggested that Salman had wasted his money by launching him.
Reflecting on those comments, Aayush said, “That day is what made me. Because until now, I had faced many things, which is okay, but when I was compared to a dog, that’s when I first felt that one day when my son goes on the internet and wants to read about his father, someone will write that his father is a dog.” He expressed his desire for his children to be proud of him and read positive things about him on the internet.
Aayush also shared how these criticisms motivated him to strive for success. He expressed gratitude towards those who made such comments, acknowledging that their words pushed him to become a better person.
Following Loveyatri, Aayush appeared in Antim: The Final Truth, alongside Salman Khan. His upcoming film, Ruslaan, directed by Karan Butani, is set to release on April 26, 2024.
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