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How Olive Leaf Extract Improves Your Heart Health and Blood Pressure?

Olive leaf extract, containing antioxidants like oleuropein, shows potential health benefits, including improved blood pressure and lipid levels. Studies suggest it may aid glucose metabolism and reduce heart disease risks. However, more research is needed to clarify its consistent effects.

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How Olive Leaf Extract Improves Your Heart Health and Blood Pressure?

For years, people have celebrated the health benefits of olive oil, with roles in fighting heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and premature death. Now, new evidence is coming to light regarding the benefits of olive leaf extract, which contains powerful antioxidants in the form of oleuropein. This antioxidant reduces oxidative stress, which generally leads to chronic diseases.

Traditionally, the leaves of olives were made into tea in the Mediterranean for fever and malaria. Modern studies have demonstrated olive leaf extract to also be associated with improved heart health, lowering blood pressure, and enhancing favorable blood lipid levels. Studies show that dosages of 500 milligrams to 5 grams per day over several weeks benefit the patient who has high blood pressure.

A review of 12 studies on olive leaf extract, conducted with over 800 participants, showed positive effects on heart disease risk factors, such as healthier blood fats and lower blood pressure. Another analysis focused on people with high blood sugar or cholesterol showed mixed results, suggesting that more research is needed to clarify olive leaf’s overall health benefits.

While olive leaf extract is able to promote an improvement in glucose metabolism, blood lipids, and blood pressure, results from experiments have varied depending on the quantity administrated and period of time. Olive leaves also can be eaten in another way, such as making tea or mixed salads, although their bitterness makes them hard to be pleasant.

Olive leaf extract is considered to be safe with no toxic effects reported when used in amounts up to 1g per day. However, it is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Always see a doctor before using the extract due to olive leaves, particularly if you have high blood pressure or are diabetic and your lipids in the blood are too high.

Even though olive leaf extract is known to provide health benefits, a healthy lifestyle and diet are crucial. A balanced diet with healthy food and exercise habits should be adopted as olive leaf extract cannot be the solution to everything. It’s best to have a variety of plant-based foods for complete nutrients and antioxidants.
