The Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh has been charged by the Chembur police with posting nude photos on his Instagram account. Ranveer has been booked for violating sections 292 of the Information Technology Act, 67(A), 293 of the Obscene Objects to Young Persons Act, and 509 of the Word, Gesture, or Act Designed to Insult the Modesty of a Woman Act.
Vedika Chaubey, a Mumbai-based attorney, presented the written application at the Chembur police station. In her lawsuit, Chaubey claimed that the actor had offended the feelings of women generally and insulted their modesty through his images.
An office bearer of the non-governmental organisation (NGO) based in the east of Mumbai has submitted an application to the Chembur police station.
A request to charge the ‘Bajirao’ star for outraging the modesty of a woman has also been made.
The controversy is all about the photograph posted by Ranveer Singh on Instagram this week where he stripped down to no outfit posing on a Turkish rug. He is said to have been inspired by Burt Reynolds’ naked photoshoot for Cosmopolitan magazine.
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