Bollywood veteran actress Hema Malini performed her Ganga Ballet in Mumbai on Sunday. The diva turned into a Ganga during her freestyle dance performance at the NCPA ground. Now, her daughter-actor Esha Deol has penned a note to praise her mom for her unique stage act. Esha took to her Twitter handle and dropped a stunning picture of Hema dancing in the air in a flowy blue and white outfit. Along with the stunning picture, she wrote, “Watched my mum [Hema Malini] perform Ganga on stage. Absolutely remarkable performance, visually stunning with a very strong message on our environment and river restoration. Must watch her next show. Love you mamma…”
Here’s what Esha Deol tweeeted
Previously, Hema Malini performed the ballet in Pune and Nagpur before taking it to Mumbai. She also shared a video from her earlier performances to show a glimpse of Ganga. Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress was last seen in Shimla Mirchi co-starring Rajkummar Rao and Rakul Preet Singh. To note, the actress’s best-known films are Sholay, Seeta Aur Geeta, Dilagi, Raja Jaani, Do Dishayen, The Burning Train, Jugnu, Dil Kaa Heera, and Dream Girl among others.
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