The eagerly-awaited ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’ opened in theatres on May 31 much to the delight of Rajkummar Rao fans. The film did decent business at the domestic box office despite receiving mixed reviews and ended its first weekend on a fair note. The sports drama centres on a failed cricketer (Rajkummar) who tries to redeem himself by helping Mahima (Janhvi Kapoor), his wife, hone her cricket skills. ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’has several intense moments and ends on a happy note.

(This article contains spoilers for Mr and Mrs Mahi)

‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’: How Does Rajkummar Rao and Janhvi Kapoor’s Film End?

Rajkummar Rao, the star of critically acclaimed films such as ‘Newton’ and ‘Trapped’, has impressed fans with his sincere performance in ‘Mr and Mrs Mahi’. The Sharan Sharma-helmed film begins with a club cricket match in which Mahendra tries to impress selectors with his skills. Things, however, go horribly wrong when he mistimes a shot at a crucial juncture, costing his side the contest, He then faces one rejection after the other, which shatters his confidence. To make matters worse, his father ends his dreams of cricket by forcing him to assist him at his shop.

His parents eventually decide to get him married off to Dr Mahima, hoping to help him get his life back on track. Mahendra soon learns that his better half too is passionate about cricket and they bond over thre sport. Meanwhile, he decides to apply for the job of a coach His efforts go in vain but he accidentally discovers that his wife is a talented cricketer herself. Mahendra then takes it upon himself to train her. His training pays off and Mahima gets selected to represent the state. However, a misunderstanding and Mahendra’s ego wrecks his relationship with his better half.

This takes a toll on Mahima’s performance and she finds herself on the verge of being dropped from the team. She, however, gets one last opportunity to redeem herself. During the course of that all-important match she patches up with Mahendra, who apologises to her for his past actions and also gives her some valuable advice. Following this, Mahima propels her team to victory and soon gets called up to the National side. The film thus ends on a sweet note with the ‘Mahis’ fulfilling their dreams.

Is Mr and Mrs Mahi worth a watch?

Mr and Mrs Mahi has an approval rating of 60% on Rotten Tomatoes and this is based on 10 reviews, which indicates a mixed response. The consensus is currently unavailable as there aren’t enough reviews.

Additionally, the film has a rating of 6.9 and this is based on 11,886 votes.

Mr and Mrs Mahi hit screens on May 31.