Rajkummar Rao’s ‘Srikanth’ opened in theatres on May 10 much to the delight of his fans. The actor has made a name for himself in the Indian film industry with his ability to take up and excel in diverse roles. He is known for embodying characters effortlessly and transitioning between genres. Whether it be Shaurya from ‘Trapped’ or Vicky from ‘Stree’, Rajkummar has made each character memorable with his dedication to his craft. Here is a look at how he emerged as a force to reckon with despite no backing.

Bold Career Moves

Rajkummar Rao has never hesitated to take up roles that compel him to push his limits. The actor gave strong proof of this when he hit the right notes with his work in ‘Trapped’. The film explored the protagonist’s frustrations after he is trapped/locked in his apartment. Rajkummar channeled his anger and desperation with ease and added depth to a film that didn’t stick to the tenets of commercial cinema. Similarly, ‘LSD’ with its bold content was a risky film to take on but the risk paid off. The same applies to ‘Shahid’ as it featured a hard-hitting narrative. These daring choices give him a distinct edge over his contemporaries.

Commercial Success

There is a perception that Rajkummar Rao hasn’t tasted much success at the box office. This, however, is hardly the case. The ‘Rajkumar’ of Bollywood has been a part of many commercially successful movies. ‘Kai Po Che’, for instance, did well at the box office. Similarly, ‘Stree’ and ‘Bareilly Ki Barfi’ set the cash registers ringing.

Rajkummar also played supporting characters in successful films such as ‘Gangs Of Wasseypur’, ‘Queen’, ‘Talaash: The Answer Lies Within’ and ‘Humari Adhuri Kahani’ among others.

Shades Of Rajkumar Rao

1. Master of Intense Roles: The National Award winner has received acclaim for playing intense characters on the big screen. ‘Omerta’ is a case in point. The film featured him as British-Pakistani terrorist Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh and garnered attention with its hard-hitting screenplay. ‘Omerta’ was not very successful at the box office but gave him an opportunity to shine bright.

2. Go-to actor of relatable characters: Rajkummar’s role as Satyendra in ‘Shadi Mein Zaroor Aana’ was one of the most iconic characters in Bollywood. The film centres on a heartbroken youngster who aspires to become an IAS officer. Fans received it with open arms even though it did not do too well at the box office.

3. A Reel Maverick: Rajkummar boldly represented the queer community through ‘Badhai Do’ where he played a gay man with finesse. The film centered on social norms and ‘breaking barriers.’

4. Competent Supporting Actor: ‘Stree’ majorly revolved around the character of Shraddha Kapoor. Rajkummar was seen in a supporting role. However, he never failed to steal the show. Similarly, in ‘Aligarh’ he was seen with the very talented and popular Manoj Bajpayee, which made him a ‘Second Protagonist’ in the film. He gave some of the finest performances of his life through these films.

Self Made Artist

Rajkummar Rao doesn’t come from a film background. He was born and raised in Gurgaon, Haryana, and had no family connections in the film industry when he started his acting career. He rose through his efforts and talent. The actor initially struggled and faced rejection but eventually made a mark with his performances.

To Conclude

Rajkummar stands tall among the most successful actors in the film industry. His characters speak volumes and stay with the audience. The National Award Winner has maintained his reputation by giving well-received films over the years He has a knack for portraying complex emotions with nuance, making his performances relatable and impactful.

Meanwhile, his latest film Srikanth’ is based on the life of Srikanth Bolla, a visually impaired businessman and the founder of Bollant Industries. It highlights his struggles and achievements.

‘Srikanth’ was released in theatres on May 10.