Nani’s highly anticipated film Dasara has passed censor formalities receiving a U/A certificate. The film will hit the big screens on 30th March. Ever since the makers of the film dropped the trailer, it took social media by storm and also set a brilliant record by garnering millions of views. For the unversed, the film is helmed and written by the very talented Srikanth Odela. Fans are excited as Dasara promises to bring the actor in a never-seen-before avatar. As the film is ready to hit the big screens on March 30, it has completed its censor.
According to reports, the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) has granted the film a U/A certificate of clearance. Adding more details, the Nani starrer has a run time of 2 hours 36 minutes and is ready to entertain audiences across the nation. The actor took to his official Twitter handle and shared a poster of the U/A certification for the film and the killer poster has already been grabbing the eyeballs. Reacting to his post, one of his fans wrote, “Waiting annaaa.” Another wrote, “Eagerly waiting.” A third fan commented, “It’s been 3 months since I saw the movie in the theatre after Avatar, Cannot wait to watch mass jathara in theatre.”
Here’s what Nani shared on his Twitter handle